Library Rules and Regulations

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 You should always be in possession of your Valid School ID while in the library and produce it instantly in case you are required to do so by Library Staffs.  Borrowed Library materials(Books) are to be Returned(checked in)on or before the Due date failure to which a fine of: o 5/= for long loan materials every day after the due date o 5/= for short loan materials every hour after the 4 hours.  Order and silence must be maintained at all times in the Library.  Smoking, eating, drinking and sleeping in the Library is prohibited.  Briefcases, bags, overcoats, hats, umbrellas, etc., are not allowed in the book/shelf area.(kindly leave them at the Luggage area)  Slippers should not be worn and ensure muddy shoes are cleaned up.  The library will not take responsibility for loss or damage of personal property left in the reading and luggage areas.  Stealing or attempting to steal a library document or any of the library property is an offence. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against the offender.  Mobile phones and other devices likely to cause disturbances should not be used in the library unless their use is silent.  Ink bottles, paints etc., which may accidentally damage library materials are not allowed into the library.  Do not reshelf books you have used, leave them at the study table.  Damage of library materials, equipment, property or building is prohibited.  The Library staff reserves the right to ask any person to stop using computer equipment if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the person is misusing it.  Library Computers are provided freely for the purpose of research and other educational usage.  Do not use Library Computers to access YouTube, Facebook, twitter, Instagram and other social media interfaces.